Community Service Hours
Mountain View High School Community Service Cord Requirements
Colors: Gray Single Solid
Community Service is defined as selfless work performed by a person or group without pay and for the benefit and betterment of others. Many colleges, universities, scholarship programs, and even some employers commend those who are active in their communities, and we here at Mountain View High School also believe that the acts of community service performed by our students should be recognized and rewarded.
Community Service participants are eligible to receive a graduation cord under the following strict conditions:
- Students must complete at least 160 hours of verified community service between January 1 of their 8th grade year and December 31 of their senior year.
- Students must participate in the program by logging at least 40 hours per year but no more than 80 hours per year. Students may not turn in all 160 hours in one year.
- Community service must be completed in connection with an organization outside of Mountain View High School.
- Service hour requirements for MV clubs and organizations do not count unless they are approved by Community Service advisor before the service activity begins.
- In order to be counted, community service hours must be recorded on the MVHS Community Service Log Form, verified by an adult in charge of the volunteer project, and logs must be turned in to the community service advisor by each years' January deadline.
- REMINDER: No more than 80 hours can be submitted per year and a total of 160 must be submitted by January of the student's 12th grade year.
- ONLY those hours submitted on the MVHS Community Service Log Form will be considered.
- Students cannot receive double credit for community service hours. Hours worked through a club or organization that requires community service as part of their cord program cannot be counted towards this program as well.
If you have any questions, please speak with the advisor, Mrs. Cindy Copeland.
Click HERE for requirements to earn a graduation cord and a copy of the Hours Log.