The Testing Office is responsible for all testing related to successful performance at Mountain View.
- Those tests include the End of Course Tests (EOCT's/Milestones), Gateway, District Assessments (DA's), GCPS Milestone Benchmark, and other similar tests if necessary.
- Information regarding standardized tests used for post-secondary use, such as SAT, ACT, etc., can be found in our Counseling Office.
- Information regarding Advanced Placement Tests and MVHS Semester Final Exams can be found in the Curriculum Office.
- Testing Acronyms
- Georgia DOE Assessment Page
District Assessments
GA Milestones / EOC
What Are Milestone Assessments?
The Georgia Milestones is a comprehensive summative assessment program spanning grades 3 through high school. The Milestones measures how well students have learned the knowledge and skills outlined in the content standards in the core content areas of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. It is designed to provide information about student achievement and readiness to move on to the next level of learning.
GaDOE Milestones Information page
What is the Gateway?
The Gateway tests are one way Gwinnett schools measure student learning of the school system’s curriculum— the Academic Knowledge and Skills or AKS. The High School Gateway is a writing test that assesses students’ language arts, science, and social studies knowledge and skills. As the parent of a high school student, you may have questions about this test, which your child must pass to earn a regular Gwinnett County high school diploma.
Gateway Information (GCPS Site)
On Tuesday, October 25, all 10th students will take the PSAT/NMSQT® (Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test), an important step along their path to college. This test is provided for free to all 10th grade students in GCPS; 10th grade students will automatically be registered for the exam.